Thursday, July 10, 2008

First Things First

So I have been wanting to start a blog so that I could share some fun stamping ideas with other people who love to stamp. A lot of people make comments to me like: You are so creative! or where do you get your ideas from? I would love to say that I think of everything on my own...but I cannot tell a lie! :) I have to give a lot of credit to this website: This site is incredible! It has every Stampin' Up stamp set (new and retired sets) listed in alphabetical order. All you need to know is the name of the stamp set, click on it, and then you have tons of card and scrapbook ideas right at your fingertips. It takes the hard part (thinking of an idea) out of making anything! I just wanted to share that with everyone. Stay tuned for some fun & creative ideas...

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